Plants and Cats

Hi! If you’re like me and have a cat or are thinking about getting one but also love your plants todays blog is for you. I will be discussing safe and non-safe houseplants to have around cats. It is important to be aware to keep your cats safe. It is also important to recognize more houseplants won’t cause harm to your pet unless ingested.

Lilies are poisonous to cats. This includes all species including the popular houseplant called the peace lily. If ingested, lilies will cause kidney failure. Elephant ear species are also toxic to cats. If your cat ingests part of an elephant ear, its airways could close. Another poisonous plant is the philodendron. It will cause swelling and vomiting if ingested.

Some seasonal favorites to be careful of are poinsettias, holly berries, mistletoe, daffodils, and easter lilies. A good alternative to these holiday classics are fake plants. Fake plants let you and your cat enjoy the season.

Now, I will talk about some plants that are safe to have around your cat. These plants include the ponytail palm, air plants, rattlesnake plant, Boston fern, haworthia zebra, spider plant, parlor palm, money tree, and pilea peperomionia. As you can see there are still a lot of options for plant and cat parents combine.

If you have or would like to get a plant that is non-safe for cats, I would suggest keeping it out of your cats reach. Please always ask your vet to be on the safe side. Have you ever had any issues with plants I did not include?


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