Natural Fertilizers

To all the plant parents reading this, hi! Today, I have decided to write about natural houseplant fertizers. The main reason to use fertilizers is to boost nutrients for your plants in order to support their growth. Plants need nutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. The perfect way to give these to your plants is through natural fertilizers.

I like to use banana peels to fertilize my house plants. As you probably already know, bananas are rich in potassium. Using the peels, you will also add it small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium. Ivy is an example of a plant that really likes potassium. To incorporate banana peels you can lay the peel on top of the soil, soak it in water and then water with the banana peel water, or chop it up and mix it through the soil.

Egg shells are another great natural fertilizer. They increase the amount of calcium the plant will receive. They also help to reduce the acidity in the soil. Orchids are a houseplant that would love to receive the extra boost of calcium. Like with the banana peel you can also soak egg shells in water and use the water to water your plant. Another good way if to crush up the shells and mix them into the soil.

Unlike egg shells, coffee grounds are a good way to boost the acidity in the soil. Coffee grounds will also boost the nitrogen levels in the soil. Plants that like coffee grounds are pathos, snake plants, and Christmas cactuses. You can either mix the grounds in or seep them in water and use that water. Tip: if you do not drink coffee a lot of coffee shops will give you the used ones for free.

These natural fertilizers have worked well on my plants. I hope they work on yours too! What natural methods do you like?

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