Welcome back to my blog! Have you ever wondered about that big gorgeous plant with perfect holes sliced into its’ leaves. Yes, I am talking about one of the most desired houseplants, the monstera. The monstera is a tropical plant. This means there can be some challenges in the winter with keeping it alive if you live in the cold northeast like me! I will be writing all about the monstera and how to keep it happy and healthy.

There are close to 50 species of monsteras but they all have similar defining features. Monstera leaves are round and heart-shaped. The leaves are large, glossy, and perforated with holes in them. As the plant matures the holes in the leaves become larger. The color of a healthy monstera is dark green. They also produce a unique looking fruit that looks similar to a piece of corn on the cob.

The best place to put your monstera in your home is somewhere that receives bright indirect sunlight. Utilizing bright indirect sunlight will maximize your monsertas’ growth. If placed in direct sunlight you plant could suffer with burn marks. If placed somewhere that is too dark your plants growth will be stunted.

Being a tropical plant, monsteras like to have moist soil like you would find in their natural habitat. You can tell when to water the soil by feeling it with your finger. If the soil up to your first knuckle is dry, it is time to water. You can also tell by visual cues when it is time to water or if you have been watering your plant too much. Yellow leaves indicate too much water and brown leaves with dried out edges indicate too little water.

Monsteras thrive in warm temperatures with humidity. This means you should place your monstera in a place that does not receive a cold draft in your home. For example, an entry way may not be the best place if temperatures dip outside. If the plant were to receive too much of a shock from the cold it is at risk for dying. If there is ideal lighting, your monstera will thrive in the bathroom from the humidity and the heat of the shower.

I hope that this helps you care for your gorgeous houseplant. It is important to note that your plant will signal to you what it needs! Where does your monstera thrive in your house? If you have used these tips, how have they improved the health of your plant?

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