Today contrasted with yesterday because it was a fairly standard day. I began by checking email, making sure that my eTime was logged. Then for around 4 1/2 hours, I hunted through the websites of media organizations looking for contacts to whom we can send our press releases. I’ve also been using LinkedIn a lot to find this info.
I don’t think that I learned anything today. I didn’t see much of Michelle or Stephanie and I think that my understanding of the structure of media organizations is coming along well. Moving forward, I need to turn my attention back to the press releases for culinary students who made the Dean’s list.
9:16-9:19 (checked email)
9:20-9:30 (filled out eTime)
9:30-2:03 (hunted for contacts at media organizations)
2:03-2:11 (clocked out and prepared to go home)