July 2nd Post

Organizational Chart


When I arrived today, Stephanie asked me to help with setting up some banners in the hall. These promotional tools need to be evaluated in order to determine if they are still useful to the university. For most of the rest of the day I was concerned with getting the Culinary Dean’s List Press releases completed. I learned that the data I’d been given on this project was actually insufficient. Michelle came to the conclusion that the Dean’s List papers I was looking at actually also had graduate data in there too. Afterward, I went to the library and worked on internship project work. I developed an organizational chart to go in the case study paper I’m writing.

Moving forward I’ll get back to work looking for media contacts to whom IUP can send press releases. Michelle will hopefully be able to provide me with the data I need to complete the Culinary press releases. It won’t be long now until the internship is over. Today’s large amount of hours will help in that effort.




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