August 5th Post



Today, amazingly, is the last day of internship and, Lord willing, my last day as an IUP student. What a privilege it has been to study here. I received two degrees, spent innumerable hours with my Dad, and met my wife here. So, today’s work consists of tying up loose ends.

I sent Michelle and Stephanie updated directions on how to use the distribution lists. I also finished polishing the data and uploaded it to Outlook. I then organized the contacts into distribution lists and sent them to my supervisors. I let them know where I’ve stored the Excell file I used to create the distribution lists. Now all that remains to do is send Professor Stiegler my final paper and make sure that I’ve completed all 240 hours. It’s been an honor IUP. Thanks for the ride.


  • 12:00-12:41
  • 1:33-1:00

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