June 19th Post


Today was an unusual day because I spent most of it outside the office. The morning began when I arrived at an IUP safety science building to participate in a marketing photo shoot. I witnessed IUP employees interacting with an independent agency (whose name I do not recall) to generate images to support the major brand revamp going on at our university. During one photo I was covered in diodes and photographed indoors, during another, I posed with other students in the North Dining Hall. The final location I attended was in the Oak Grove for photos/video of playing soccer and walking with other students.

It was helpful to watch the producer, creative director, and photographer of the shoot all perform their different roles. I’m not sure that I knew the creative director attended shoots, and it was nice to see the understanding of producers that I’ve been gaining receive confirmation as I observed Taylor perform her role. Moving forward, I’ll return to the office and continue the hunt for media contacts.


– 9:10-10:52 (attended photo shoot and participated in marketing photos)
– 10:52-12:31 (project hrs)
– 12:32-4:30 (headed back to the photo shoot)

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