June 17th Post


Today, I checked again and I’m still unable to get into the O:Drive. I then checked out the GroupMe app that Emily (Assistant Director of Video Services) helped me access. Next, I continued my hunt for media contacts in PA to upload to my spreadsheet. I realized along the way that some media outlets may cover more than one county. Thus, it may be appropriate to list them multiple times in the spreadsheet. I think that I may remove the duplicates and list each organization underneath the county in which it is based (at least to start).

Towards the end of the day, I had a quick meeting with Michelle about getting access to the O and S drives. I confirmed with Michelle that I’ll be helping out with the marketing photoshoot tomorrow. She reminded me of the upcoming project where I write a report for Molly which inventories brand elements across the IUP campus.



9:31-9:34 (checked email)
9:35-9:37 (checked O:Drive)
9:37-9:43 (checked GroupMe)
9:43-2:08 (sought for media contacts in PA to upload to the spreadsheet, logged my time in eTime,).
2:09-2:17 (checked O:Drive and S:Drive, and met with Michelle)

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