Thursday June 13th


Today was relatively relaxed. Michelle provided me with two new projects. The first is to assist with press releases regarding the dean’s list. The other is to help take inventory of older IUP branding material located around campus. I wasn’t able to make much project on either today as I’m waiting to get access to the O: Drive. There I’ll edit and store press releases based on hard copies of personal information Michelle provided me with today.

I learned the face belonging to the name of one of my coworkers today. Emily and I had been in a meeting earlier this year but its beneficial to be nailing down exactly who everyone is in the office. I’m still not finished with that process yet. For tomorrow, Michelle won’t be in. I’ll likely focus on making sure those press releases are ready to go.


10:06-1:32 (Media Relations work)

1:32-2:09 (project work)

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