Tech Literacy

Please answer the following questions:

  1. What sort of literacy is needed in the digital age?
  2. What are the characteristics of a technologically literate person?
  3. How do people’s technology practices shape their literacy?
  4. How can we best teach technological literacy?
  5. What are the greatest problems that technology causes?
  6. What are the greatest benefits of technology?

3 thoughts on “Tech Literacy

  1. Eric Brende: Better Off (p. 7)
    “The conviction was growing in me that the besetting problem was our culture’s blindness to the distinction between the tool and the automatic machine. Everyone tended to treat them alike, as neutral agents of human intention. But machines clearly were not neutral or inert objects. They were complex fuel-consuming entities with certain definite proclivities and needs. Besides often depriving their users of skills and physical exercise, they created new and artificial demands–for fuel, space, money, and time. These in turn crowded out other important human pursuits, like involvement in family and community, or even the process of thinking itself. The very act of accepting the machine was becoming automatic.”

  2. Nicholas Negroponte-Being Digital
    Push vs. pull technologies
    human computer interface
    computer aims to meet our needs/to know us p. 92
    “we wait on imagination, not on technology” p. 30
    the root of hypermedia is the request: “tell me more” p. 69

  3. What sort of literacy is needed in the digital age?
    What are the characteristics of a technologically literate person?
    work with technology willingly
    recognition of how you will disseminate what you produce and how to interpret what other people produce
    must be willing to connect with the world or to be exposed to the world/being more public
    no fear (vs. technophobia)
    use technology appropriately
    identify and know that there are tools available and finding the appropriate tool
    ability to use technology to navigate society
    choosing particular communication forms
    keeping up
    needing to learn
    requires flexibility

    How do people’s technology practices shape their literacy?
    How can we best teach technological literacy?
    What are the greatest problems that technology causes?
    What are the greatest benefits of technology?

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