
  • Freire says, “Reading does not consist merely of decoding the written word or language; rather, it is preceded by and intertwined with knowledge of the world” (p. 29). How do you think the world has shaped your view of reading? How has it shaped your students’ views?
  • Freire also says, “Learning to read and write means creating and assembling a written expression for what can be said orally” (p. 35). Schoalrs have argued about the differences between orality and literacy. What role do you feel orality has played in shaping your views of literacy?
  • Finally, Freire argues that we need to teach learners to gain “a critical perception of the meaning of culture by leading them to understand how human practice or work transforms the world…reading always involves critical perception, interpretation, and rewriting of what is read.” How, in an introductory class, do you think you can help students to gain not just literacy skills but criticalliteracy skills?

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