PACT Program Internship


  • Spring 2018: Monday, November 13, 2017
  • Summer 2018: Monday, April 9, 2018
  • Fall 2018: Friday, August 3, 2018


  • Junior standing
  • 3.0 GPA
  • English Major or Minor

Course Credit

  • Following usual internship guidelines, to receive 3 course credits the intern must complete 120 hours of internship work (8 hours per week).
  • The intern may use the internship as an open English elective.
  • Interns may NOT be enrolled in the course with which they are assisting.

Potential Duties

  • Small group work
  • Mini-lessons
  • Discussions
  • Conferences
  • Ungraded feedback
  • Materials selection and presentation
  • Other as appropriate to their skills and the course


  • Interns may not assign grades/have access to grades
  • Interns may not assist in one-on-one conferences between the professor and student
  • Interns may not work as an intern with an on-line course
  • Interns may not conference with students outside of class

How to Apply (Contact Internship Coordinator, Dr. Oriana Gatta —


  • Prior to/while seeking an internship, the potential intern must meet with the Internship Coordinator to discuss interests and goals for the internship.
  • The internship coordinator will provide suggestions on how the student may find a suitable faculty member and course for the internship experience.
  • Interns will confer with the Internship Coordinator working from a list of faculty who are eligible for an internship and who have indicated an interest in supervising an intern.
  • The potential intern is interviewed by the faculty member. Each faculty member will have his/her own criteria for accepting an intern depending upon the course and design, but students in most cases should have taken the course in which they are interning. There are many students, however, who may not have taken ENGL 101—they either exempted from it or were in the Honors College. Likewise, English majors have taken ENGL 122, not ENGL 121. That should not preclude them from functioning in those courses as interns. The faculty supervisor will determine if the possible intern demonstrates the skills and knowledge s/he deems necessary to be an asset to the class and meet the expectations of the Supervising Instructor.
  • The potential intern will move ahead with the faculty member’s approval, following the usual internship process. A potential intern will submit the Internship Approval Form and a Summary Statement describing the internship.
  • The supervising faculty member provides the student with a list of expected activities and completion tasks, which the intern will include in his/her application to the Internship Coordinator.