Publishing Internship, Anthem Press




London, UK & Online (“Remote”)


Anthem Press currently offer placements throughout the year in our London office to UK or overseas students as part of their course. We are also willing to entertain applications for ‘remote’ internships.

Type of Internships: Editorial, Sales, Marketing, Publicity, Design


Preference will be given to detailed-oriented candidates wishing to undertake longer placements. The experience is designed to provide an introduction to the publishing industry that should appeal to prospective employers.

Length of Internship



Depends on flexibility of program and whether internship is ‘in-house’ or ‘remote’

To Apply

If you are interested, send us your resume/CV, along with a cover letter indicating which type of internship you are seeking and of your interest in publishing and what you hope to achieve from a placement with Anthem Press. Also indicate your preferred start date and length of internship. Send by email to

NB: Because of recruiting volume, we are only able to contact those selected for interviews. Candidates may also be requested to complete a short evaluation test.