Dr. Bryna Siegel Finer, Associate Professor of English; Mrs. Jodie Seybold, MS, RD, LND, Dietetic Internship Director; and Marie Webb, second year Doctoral student in English Composition and Applied Linguistics, Graduate Assistant for Department of Food and Nutrition and Center for Teaching Excellence.
CTE’s fourth podcast episode features a discussion about WAC at IUP with Dr. Bryna Siegel Finer, Associate Professor of English, Director of Liberal Studies English, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum; Mrs. Jodie Seybold, MS, RD, LND, Dietetic Internship Director, Instructor of Department of Food and Nutrition; and Marie Webb, second year Doctoral student in English Composition and Applied Linguistics, Graduate Assistant for Department of Food and Nutrition and Center for Teaching Excellence.
CTE’s podcast host Brandon Galm asked the three invited guests to talk about the history of WAC, as well as new developments and challenges with bridging relationships among faculty in a wide variety of disciplines. Specific examples about how teachers have transformed their classes were provided. For example, Mrs. Seybold mentioned about not only incorporating a writing-to-communicate model of teaching but a writing-to-learn model. Additionally, Dr. Siegel Finer addressed a common concern among teachers who are worried about grammar. She noted that positive changes are still happening with students’ writing as they continue to develop language related skills.
Please check out a list of resources below that were provided by guests in the discussion!
IUP Resources:
- IUP’s WAC Department Writing Plan: https://www.iup.edu/wac/department-writing-plan/
Additional Readings and Resources on WAC and Writing Studies:
- The WAC Clearinghouse: https://wac.colostate.edu/
- Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies Edited by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle (2015)
- Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Thinking, and Active learning in the Classroom 2nd edition Written by John Bean (2011)
*If you would like to get your hands on a free copy of Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Thinking, and Active learning in the Classroom contact Dr. Edel M. Reilly, Director of Liberal Studies at ereilly@iup.edu.
Written by Marie Webb
Edited by Dr. Bryna Siegel Finer