Maybe you have an interest in playing an instrument. When you’re listening to music, do you find yourself mainly listening to the bassline? Can you pick the bass part out of a song easily? Enough so that when a song is stuck in your head the part that’s actually stuck is the bass part? If this sounds like you, and you’re wondering if you should pick up an instrument, then bass guitar may be for you!

Out of all the stringed instruments out there, the bass guitar is probably the easiest. It’s got the same fundamentals as a regular guitar, just without two extra strings. Bass guitar isn’t an incredibly tough instrument a person would need a gift to begin playing. Anyone willing to put the time into learning should be able to understand the basics.

However, this is trying to figure out if you should or shouldn’t become a bass player. As someone who plays bass from time to time, I always had an interest in it. There have been so many times that the bass part of a song has been stuck in my head for a whole day or longer. Sometimes, my ear will go straight to the bass part, particularly tuning out the lead and rhythm guitar parts. If this sounds like something you do, then you probably should pick up a bass guitar.

Another reason you may want to consider bass is if you like to focus on the groove of a song, The bass player of a band is the notes and the musical sound equivalent to the drums if that makes sense. What I mean is Drums and bass go hand in hand laying down the feel of a song. If you find yourself being interested in the groove of a song and feel then again, you might be a bass guitar player.

Bass guitar is a really cool instrument and anyone who plays bass automatically has a level of coolness to them. Not that other musicians don’t, but bass players just know how to put that feeling into a song. Go on YouTube and look up the guitar cover of any song you really enjoy. You’ll notice just how much the bass adds and fills the gaps. If you love a good bass part, get into a song’s groove, or just want to be cool, consider picking up a bass and getting funky!






Should You Become a Bass Guitar Player?

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