Do I Need a Degree?

Do you need a college degree to do art? No. Why not just start creating? It isn’t that easy. A lot of people believe that going to a school for an art degree means that you are going to just sit in a room and make stuff after graduation. That may be true for some people, but not most.

Art students have as many opportunities as everyone else. From advertising and graphic design to furniture making and woodworking to home and interior design. Don’t believe that going to school for art means you need to become the next Bob Ross and just paint all the time. Limits are endless with what job you can find after college. Companies have begun to look for employees with a creative eye. Times are changing in companies and everyone wants a fresh new look and approach to reaching their target audience.

Who is better to create a new look for a company than a recently graduated art student? Companies are still looking for professional resume’s. Yes, you can try and create things until you are recognized by a company, but it is a lot easier to get your foot in the door when you have a college degree. Most likely an employer is going to require it, actually. A college degree is an important thing to a company, even if you can do the same things without one. Although you may not need the degree to create successful artwork, you may need one to land a successful job.

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