Today, I transcribed Robin’s interview. As I mentioned yesterday, Robin has an incredible and touching story.

With a mental illness that started when his brother Larry killed his other brother and mother, then stole lots of money from him, to being hit by a tow truck which led to a hospital stay of over three months with a large amount of bills, Robin’s journey has been challenging. However, he is recovering well. Thanks to Lifesteps, he is now living a normal adult life.

I had no idea I would uncover so much from the interview. Strategic communication, I’ve learned, is about asking the right questions. I’m grateful that this internship is helping me with the skills I need to communicate with a diverse groups of people. The writing experience I’m gaining from this experience will be able to help me in my personal and future professional endeavors.

For next week, I plan to have the first story written. Jenna and I will also be soliciting more businesses.

Hours worked on site today:
9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Spent 30 minutes on this blog
Hours on blogs as of today:
10 Hours 10 minutes
Hours worked as of today:
171 Hours 25 minutes