Today, Jenna and I visited the Indiana Floral & Flower Boutique and the Flower Gallery. Lifesteps has had an interest in receiving donations from the Flower Gallery for a while. Cassandra had Jenna and I visit the shop.

We talked to the florist, Denise Chersos about all the packages and offers we have for our upcoming golf event. Denise didn’t seem interested in the expensive packages we have. So, we offered that we swap services with her. She was excited with this offer and gladly agreed to it. This means she will be providing flowers for the decorations and getting a full page of an advertisement from our event program book in return.

I learned today that running a business doesn’t always mean receiving but sometimes also giving. Denise readily agreed to our offer because we were giving her something she needed for her business – advertisement.

Tomorrow, I will interview one of Lifesteps individuals for the story Cassandra assigned me to write. To prepare, I have to refine the interview questions.

Hours worked on site today:
9 AM – 2:30 PM
Spent 30 minutes on this blog
Hours on blogs as of today:
9 Hours 10 minutes
Hours worked as of today:
159 Hours 55 minutes