Today, I made calls to all the prospective sponsors and donors for our golf classic event. Most of the companies I called sent me to voicemail. I left a voicemail introducing who I was, where I worked and gave them a quick overview of our upcoming golf classic event. I then finished the call by including that the company was in our prospect list and that we would appreciate it if they would call us back so we can give them more information.

Next week, I will follow up with these companies. Other companies on the list were able to pick up the phone. In that case, I asked to speak with a marketing manager in the organization. Most companies seemed interested to work with Lifesteps and gave me an email address to which I can send all the required documents for the event.

When I had the chance to talk to a person in the organization, I would complement the organization for the great work they do serving a community. For example, when I spoke to Taylor with Empower Business Solutions, I congratulated the company for having 30 years of successfully providing software to the region. This compliment seemed to make Taylor more willing to talk to me and hear what I had to say about Lifesteps.

Today I learned that strategic communication is not just limited to in-person talks but also applies over the phone. This is a skill I would like to continue to build in my internship.

Hours worked on site today:

9 AM – 2:30 PM

Spent 20 minutes on this blog

Hours on blogs as of today:

5hrs 30 mins

Hours worked as of today:

99 Hours 50 minutes