When to Skip a Workout When You’re Sick

One thing I personally struggle with is deciding when to skip a workout when I’m not feeling well. I am constantly asking myself ‘sure, I feel gross, but does it really merit missing a workout?’. As someone who deals with chronic illness I face this issue a lot, and many of the athletes I know say that they’ve dealt with this as well. Whether it be a slight cold or the flu, you need to know your body’s limits so you can avoid the possibility of just making yourself more ill.

Many people who take their exercise routines very seriously will not give themselves a day off. Pushing yourself to workout when you feel physically ill can be dangerous and make your health worse. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is doing cardio when you are suffering from a respiratory problem, as it will not only limit your workout but can make your illness much worse. Many people do not adapt their existing workout routine to their needs, which is very important.

While working out is all about pushing your limits, it’s also about respecting and taking care of your body. If you feel the need to take a day off, take a day off. Your biggest concern when it comes to things like this should always be your health. If you are suffering from a respiratory infection or something similar, try a workout that will not make you short of breath, such as lifting light to moderate weights. In addition to this, consider trying yoga on days you don’t feel your best.

I suggest that if you are really set on working out, have an exercise routine prepared for when you’re sick. Keep it light and low impact, and give yourself plenty of time to stretch afterwards. If you have a fever or severe cough, do not workout, giving yourself time to recover is far more important. It’s all about knowing your limits and respecting your body.

What have you tried in the past? Are you the type of person who feels the need to workout even when they’re sick? Answer in the comment section down below. Please like, share, and subscribe! Also, what would you like to see me write about next?

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