Social Media and Sports

We all have them (well most of them) and even if we don’t then it’s almost impossible to go on without hearing about them. Of course I’m talking about what rules modern society, social media. Social media has grown exponentially in popularity in the last 10 years and it only seems to be growing. With the constant growth of this platform of course sports have jumped right on board. Sports media has become a staple of social media and it’s important to learn how to use it properly to be the best reporter you can possibly be. Here are some tips on how to make your sports social media pages the best they can be.

First things first when it comes to running a sports social media page it must be kept up to date and be constantly updated. The people following your page follow it for a reason and want their news when it happens. You have to follow whatever your page is about constantly. If you’re covering a specific team, cover their games, keep the people posted with up to date scores for people that may be unable to watch the games. Cover all of the major stories that are going on with the team. Remember you need to let people know everything they need to know and you need to do it quickly.

Say you aren’t covering a specific team, you’ve chosen to center your social media page on a specific sport. This is also a great choice but again comes with some major work! Now when covering an entire sport you have the luxury of being less specific. Sure, you want to cover as much as possible but try to pick and choose your stories. You don’t need to report on everything that happens in the sport but it is a good idea to keep up to date on most major stories. You should use this same broad strategy when it comes to covering individual games as well. There is no need to post about small games that the average fan would have no interest in. It is better to cover a game that the casual fan would enjoy watching there is no need to get to in depth about everything.

The final thing you need to worry about is how you are going to set up your social media page. You need to give it somewhat of a professional look. Try to add a biography that lets people know your credentials. People aren’t going to listen to just some random no body tweeting about sports, that seems to be half of social media as it is! Another key thing to remember for your biography is to keep it short but make it something that catches others attention.

With social media growing so much its something that is unavoidable in the sports world. Whether your future career as a sports writer, broadcaster or anything else, social media will be involved. You need to learn how to use the social media platforms to gain your following. The more people that see you online the more people will look into who you are and exactly what you do. What are some of your favorite social media sites and do you follow any sports media people on them? If so who? Leave some comments and remember, Never stop reporting!

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