Blog 7

Im back and more determined than ever, lets get this blog a roll’ n. Today during this particular blog session I will be blogging about a few of my classmates final music genre presentations. Overall, I find this final project to be different and interesting, fun way to end the semester. I look forward to listening to the remainder of the presentations and hear students inside on specific popular music genres as well as what their music tastes consist of. Today in class we listened to a few different presentations including artists such as Drake, Andrew W.K. and Dream Theater. Im choosing to discuss Andrew W.K. “Party-Hard”. This artist creates a music from a genre I would typically never listen to, that is why I choose to write this blog post about it. It was so different from what I normally listen to that I thought it would be good to focus in and take good notes on. This genre of music is described as Party Metal. This genre is obscure, and a sub genre of metal. It is very fast pace and has a fast tempo with flamboyant energy. This was pretty apparent during the music video displayed for the presentation. Lyrically this particular song was party focused, and posted a unusual uplifting message. This is common for a lot of Andrew W.K.’s songs, which is not commonly a theme in metal genres. The genre is said to be high tempo usually. The music video begins in a dirty bathroom, with oddly lit green lighting. The musician ties his shoes frantically and seems to be eager to perform. The video contained a lot of fast cuts and different color schemes that changed quickly. They were without a doubt rocking out so to say. The majority of the band was long haired and were not afraid to swing it around. It was definitely a party song and portrayed that type of atmosphere in the video. It is no surprise seeing as the title of the song is “Party Hard” haha. The lyrics in this song were also upbeat and had a feel good attitude to them. This song seemed to have a anti-authoritarian message in the chorus. It could be related to the punk genre but without the idc attitude so much, there was was a sense of caring. The audience for this genre is young adults, white, male focused, party goers, and high energy events such as sporting events etc. Andrew W.K.’s music has been featured in a few different commercials. One being a Kit Kat commercial “give me a break! repeated a few times, and then it cut to a news reporting in a studio, were they cut back to them and it became very calm. The description of this genre or song which made it unique was the use of a keyboard which is used in most of Andrew W.K.’s music. A few instruments that are commonly used in this genre are guitar, bass, drums and powerful vocals.

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