I Got a Computer Science Degree, Now What?

Before you get to the dream job, you must find entry-level jobs to help build your repertoire of skills and experience. Here is a list of entry-level jobs in the computer science field for you to check out to help out a beginner’s job search!

Front-End Engineer

This job focuses on making GUIs, interfaces for customers to interact with. In a nutshell, a designer will give you a template for the web page to look like, and then you’ll bring it to life. This job will require knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the typically web page languages.

Back-End Engineer

The back-end engineer also works with front-end functions; thus, this job requires flexibility and knowledge in multiple areas. The back-end process focuses on connecting servers and databases for the front-end to utilize. The front-end integration is also the job of the back-end engineer; in other words, back-end engineers ensure that accessing information from the servers and database is seamless for the user.

Mobile Engineer

The mobile engineer creates apps for either Android or iOS, and since these two phone systems dominate the phone business, there are plenty of jobs. The best way to secure this job is to make your own app! Start coding in Java if you want to code for Android, or in Swift if you prefer iPhones.

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers main goal is to ensure the system infrastructure runs smoothly. This job works with networking and servers, this is a good first job for you. In a nutshell, a DevOps Engineer smushes together the roles of a system admin and a programmer.

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

This job ensures that code completes all the goals set. This means, testing, testing, testing. More than that, this job also ensures that the code is written in accordance with best practice. This way, when the code needs maintenance anyone can read and understand the code. Knowledge of how to find and write different edge tests will allow you to succeed in this job.

Product Manager

A product manager helps brainstorm new products and collaborates with an engineering team to design and execute the new products. This job follows all the steps of the creation of a product, creating the outline, market testing, and the launch. The product manager role focuses on the strategical side of the industry.


There are some entry-level jobs to check out! Any peak your interest? Do you have any to add to the list? Let me know in the description down below!


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