Where to find good music

Music can make or break a piece. When choreographing you are now faced with the impossible task of finding music that you like, your dancers like and hasn’t been overplayed or overdone. That can be a major problem when not everyone agrees on a song. 

There are many things to consider when trying to find good music. Trying to pick out a song when there are billions of songs out there can seem like a daunting task and very overwhelming. It is frustrating when no one can agree on your song selection or when you choose a song everyone else is doing too. Here are some tips on how to avoid these frustrations. 

An obvious answer is to stay away from top-100 songs. These songs may be an easy go-to because everyone loves them and you don’t have to go searching for them. Sadly, you and many other dancers will end up using the same song.  These songs are also not always the most appropriate for all ages and it’s best to steer clear of songs with overly suggestive or mature themes.

I like to make a list of music requirements. This list includes qualities I look for in music that I know will make it a great song to choreograph to. The song should be easy to cut down to the right length, and it also needs to have a strong beat and proper tempo. Once the song meets these requirements make sure that it fits with your genre. Lastly, play with some choreography to make sure you are feeling the song physically. 

Make sure you subscribe to my blog and head on over to my youtube channel and watch some of my videos. Share this post with your fellow dancers on all of your social media. What’s your favorite song you have ever danced to? Let me know in the comments below!

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