March 2


“Much postcolonial literature seeks to assert the richness and validity of indigenous cultures in an effort to restore pride in practices and traditions that were systematically degraded under colonialism”.

Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back. New York: Routledge, 1989.


Having reading some of Kamau Brathwaite’s work is my first time in reading about the colonization in the modern era. What chiefly grapes my attention is the writer’s language. That is not a pure English, and not as the same time an independent language as it is driven from the colonization circumstances at that land.

After failing in understanding lots of words and ideas, I directly focused on the interview since I was certain it will reflects some of the writer’s ideas, philosophy, and background. As a result of being an American writer and having a Carrabin origins, Brathwait wanted to discuss his original home issues- one of which is the colonization and all of its concerning issues such as slavery, poverty, and losing identity- in a literary way. Regardless of respecting his usage of the “nation language” as he descried it, I am really wondering what if he used the standard English, so that it will be easier and perhaps more popular not only for English speakers, but secondary English speakers as well.

In addition, I am feeling there is in somehow a connection between the language font and the “Islam”! The font as I have read, reflects the Meadville Islamic manuscripts. I am not, frankly, pretty sure what this land popular religion; nevertheless, I am just wondering why did he choose this particular font. Is he a Muslim, Does he like the font style? Or is he just focusing on introducing or renew a non- familiar things?

Also, his tendency of repeating some words is really obvious in a number of his poems. Is there propose of doing so? Does his choice of a certain words reflect it’s significant even if some of them are pronouns? Or repetition is something related of being an oral performance?


February 23

Goldsmith’s !

Frankly, I am still having troubles in connecting what I am reading to literature. “Soliloquy”  seems to be prose or plays in somehow as it is divided into acts. However, it looks incomplete and unconnected parts. What is written here is only the reaction’s and response’s of one person only! There is no a “visible” dialogue to make it enjoyable or even understood! It looks like a “monologue” at the first glance, nevertheless, it is not after continuing reading. Consequently, if it is not a class required, I don’t think that it will be my choose whenever I want to read.

The other work that is “Traffic” looks more interesting as it has such a powerful start. “… I realized that everything I was doing must have been Death” such words can attract readers’ attention to continue reading. While “Soliloquy” can be seen as prose or play, “Traffic” which is an interview, I am wondering how it can be seen as literature! Though this work is more of a literary work than the first yet it lacks the beauty literature in general possess. Though I honestly did not enjoy reading the work, yet it somehow allowed me to better understand what the idea of “differential texts” is all about. It is through how the story is nothing more than a report of how crowded a street is, I now understand what a differential text is !!!!!


February 16

Is J.R. Carpenter can be considered a poet?

While I was reading about J.R. Carpenter, I have kept asking myself whether she can be seen as a writer, novelist, poet, or is she a literary writer, so that all of these types of literature’s works can be her field.

Frankly, I think she is such a type of a modern writer, who introduces us to the Electronic literature. That is one of the Postmodernism literature features. What attracted my attention is the unique way that she has in introducing her works. To be more specific, before open the links, I thought that I would find written words, or recorded poems. Seeing; however, her short photographed story- And by Islands- makes me think of it as an effective way of teaching literature not only in universities and hight schools, but also for intermediate schools, for instance. As we all know, with the existence of technology, the new generations are focusing more on everything related to the Internet, as it is more accessible, faster, and enjoyable way of  learning. Thus, we can imagine to what extent the electronic literature can benefited us at this point.

Although I am unable, honestly, to understand the other works where she used google maps, and the combination of pictures and maps, I think it is still an interesting way of introducing modern literature. Regardless of preferring classical literature, and having difficulties to find the starting point in some of these works, I do believe it is a new, remarkable way of literature studies.

February 8

Is having an aesthetics language through a poem important?

In our reading for Spit Temple book, I closely read the performance that has been done in Barnard College in 1996. Before that, and in order to clearly understand the era and/or scope, I went over a bunch of websites that discuss the Postmodernism literature.

What I found interesting, is that the rejection of the Old Victorian Literature is one of the facets of the Postmodernism. Consequently, the pretty, aesthetics language is not presented in this type of art, which is postmodernism. Although avoiding this type of language makes it a little bit easier and more clear for non- native English speakers like us, I think it takes out the beauty of any peace of art. With all the respect of the Postmodernism lovers, I believe that any literary work has to be tend to aesthetics language more than our daily language. And this is not the case here. This is very clear in the selected poems that we have read this week. For instance,

” But for me, Baghdad in the 60s

What could it have been?

It must have been Scheherazade

The woman who saved her neck

Every night

With her tongue”(p.146).

These stanzas are very sample, clear words and descriptions. Nevertheless, it cannot be compared with the beauty language that is in Old English literature, which is I tend to call it the pure literature. I am going to provide here a part of ” She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron.

“She walks in beauty, like the night
   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
   Which heaven to gaudy day denies”. 
In my perspective, if literary work -especially poetry- has not been fulfilled with Rhetorical language that includes symbolic, poetic, and words with a balanced rhyme, so it is not literature. As a reader, why I will read something that called itself literature, but it looks like our daily conversation.


February 3

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