February 16

Is J.R. Carpenter can be considered a poet?

While I was reading about J.R. Carpenter, I have kept asking myself whether she can be seen as a writer, novelist, poet, or is she a literary writer, so that all of these types of literature’s works can be her field.

Frankly, I think she is such a type of a modern writer, who introduces us to the Electronic literature. That is one of the Postmodernism literature features. What attracted my attention is the unique way that she has in introducing her works. To be more specific, before open the links, I thought that I would find written words, or recorded poems. Seeing; however, her short photographed story- And by Islands- makes me think of it as an effective way of teaching literature not only in universities and hight schools, but also for intermediate schools, for instance. As we all know, with the existence of technology, the new generations are focusing more on everything related to the Internet, as it is more accessible, faster, and enjoyable way of  learning. Thus, we can imagine to what extent the electronic literature can benefited us at this point.

Although I am unable, honestly, to understand the other works where she used google maps, and the combination of pictures and maps, I think it is still an interesting way of introducing modern literature. Regardless of preferring classical literature, and having difficulties to find the starting point in some of these works, I do believe it is a new, remarkable way of literature studies.

Posted February 16, 2015 by Ms. Nourah Alsubaie in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “Is J.R. Carpenter can be considered a poet?

  1. Sherwood

    Ithink you are write that one of the attractions for E Lit writers is the opportunity to blend in materials or media that were once off limits for the writer. As far as the challenge of some of the works, it could be interesting to try to reflect a little further about where the challenge comes from. Is it in the language itself? Is it the sense that there is no authorial plan? Is it the problem of not coming to a dramatic climax (in some of the works?)


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