Lady Gaga Madonna Copy Cat?

Let me first start this blog by saying I am a Gaga fan! I think she is super cool and has a solid sound as well as her openness and progressiveness is fantastic. I have always enjoyed her music and I have never thought of her as a copy cat… until today….

After learning a little more about Madonna and seeing some of her videos I couldn’t help but think Lady Gaga is the Madonna of today’s pop music scene. I am not saying she copies her all the time but something about the songs, dancing, sexual music videos, costuming, and all around vibe is now starting to remind me of Madonna.

Apparently I am not the only one who has thought this either one simple google later and I found this article where some one talks to Gaga about her similar Madonna style. Check it out…

On that same note, this quote from the article really was interesting, the interviewer said,  “There is another artist who has lived a very parallel existence,” Lowe said as Gaga appeared to look on incredulously. “Based on this story, which I’m sure you can relate to. You know Madonna tells a very similar story… overprotective father… ‘Papa Don’t Preach.’ You know what I mean.” Now in response Gaga says, Rocking in her chair, Gaga calmly responded to the latest attempt to link the two women in the popular imagination. “Madonna and I are very different,” she said, shaking her head and pointing a finger as an awkward silence ensued. “Just sayin’,” Lowe responded. “Just sayin’,” Gaga repeated as Lowe laughed awkwardly and the singer’s eyes appeared to get flinty.  Are you though? Im not convinced…..

Anyway Im not saying Gaga always copies Madonna or anything they both have their own takes, ideas, personalities, etc, however their are a lot of similarities which may not be a bad thing but is definitely a noticeable thing! Check out the music videos below and see if you see the similarities.



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