Hotel Security

Everyone stays at a hotel every so often, whether it’s for business, vacation, or just to get away from a little while. What many people do not realize is that cybersecurity in a hotel, just like in the real world is very important. Even though hotels do not process as many transactions as a retail store might have, but their guests have more at stake. There are 4 core areas hotels focus on when it comes to them developing their cybersecurity:

Installing security as a Cultural norm

Thinking Beyond the credit card

Be smart about responses

Don’t Sleep on inside threats

Installing security as a cultural norm, hotel security must be a standard practice. When it comes to physical properties, many people will either lock their doors, put their possessions in a lox bock, or some hotels can hold guests possessions for safekeeping. Guest often make the mistake that their network is also this secure. As I discussed in a previous blog, open and unsecure wi-fi’s are very dangerous. The case with hotel wi-fi is similar to this. Most hotels have a semi-secure server. There are 3 ways to get the wifi password; there may be a card in your hotel room, you can ask the front desk, or there might not be a password. None of these methods are very unsecure, because anyone can act like they are staying in the hotel just to get the wifi password, or if there is not password, someone can just sit outside and hack away. If the password is in the room who’s to say that someone won’t pass it along to an outside person?

Cybercrime happen, that is the way technology is moving now-a-days. Yet they are not reported as often as they should be. At most hotels, they have advanced cybersecurity professionals who can detect intrusions, asses the extent of the breach and provide details of the compromised material. The best way to avoid a cyberattack at a hotel, if you have to do work over a network, is to not put out as much personal or financial information out over that network. The less you put out, the harder it can be for hackers (if there are any) to hack your system right under your nose.

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