
Network Theory/Postmodern Pedagogy by Thomas Barker and Fred Kemp (1990)

“The essential activity in writing instruction is the textual transactions between students. These transactions should be so managed by the network as to encourage a sense of group knowledge, a sense that every transactor influences and is influenced by such group knowledge, and a sense that such group knowledge is properly malleable (responsive to the influences of each transactor). The result of textual transactions so managed is deneutralizing of text itself and great emphasis and skill on the part of the transactor in rendering such text” (p. 15).

Internet-based Teaching/A Pedagogy of Possibility by Nicholas Mauriello and Gian Pagnucci (2003)

“there is much potential for technology to help previously silenced students to speak, to engage students in dialogue with a culturally rich and diverse new population, and to help students become real published authors” (p. 80).

This pedagogy encourages using the Internet to empower student voices. It encourages students to speak and to publish their writing online. However, this pedagogy also calls for the ethical use of technology in teaching where students’ sociopolitical and cultural values are considered as the technology is applied. (pp. 89-90)

Computer-Assisted Writing Instruction by Dave Moeller (2002)

“We must ground all decisions regarding how to teach writing in sound pedagogy, not in the desire to use computers. We must first ask, ‘What am I trying to do here?’ Then ask, ‘Will technology help me do it better?’” (p. 37).

“To choose computer-assisted writing instruction is to leave behind the comfort and security of those methodologies that have worked for us in the past. It is to gamble for higher stakes: greater successes when our new technology-based procedures work, greater or perhaps more frequent failures when they don’t. It is to incorporate into our pedagogy a tolerance for ‘acceptable failure’” (p. 38)

Computer-Assisted Writing Instruction Guidelines:

  • Technology is one tool among many
  • Computers should be a part of a larger curriculum framework
  • Invest students with some authority for classroom decisions
  • Model collaboration if collaboration is a goal for students (pp. 38-39)

Hyperpedagogy by Jim Dwight and Jim Garrison (2003)

“The computer and the Internet can help us break away from the bounded, linear, centered, and fixed way of thinking entrenched in print culture since Gutenberg’s revolution and in the metaphysics of Western culture since antiquity” (p. 718) (And related back to Ong’s ideas about the nature of literacy)

When authors, teachers, or curriculum planners (to say nothing of state bureaucrats with their standards of learning), no longer stand forth as the sole authority in a work, learning can become an endless process of democratic inquiry wherein essences emerge to fit the purposes of individual students and communities” (p. 718).

Such hypertexts will be “dispersed, anti-hierarchical, and unbounded. The dispersed text will ink to other texts transactionally….The boundaries of a text will blur….all taken together as constituting a larger evolving social event” (pp. 718-719)

“Four aspects of hypertext may do much to help tear down the myopic edifice of Western metaphysics (a) dematerialization [vitural copies] (b) manipulability [changeable] (c) new discourses [multivocality] and (d) textual dispersion [linkages]” (p. 719).

“hypertext permits students to choose from a pool of texts, providing them freedom and the responsibility of choice….worries about students getting lost in a chaotic, unbounded hypertext cosmos are justified…Therefore, we believe that hypertexts initially require scaffolding” (p. 722).