Scrunchie Overload

Ever have days where you struggle between wanting your hair to be long and luscious and wanting to just cut it all off? I have had long hair for as long as I can remember but almost every single day I debate whether or not to cut it short. Sometimes we just crave a new and spunky look. New hair, new me, right?

Whether you’re driving with the windows down and can’t see the road with your hair blowing around in your face, or you’re having a rough day with taming your mane, or you’re just looking for some hair decor, it can be frustrating dealing with the agony of hair being in the way. Don’t get me wrong, I know us ladies all feel a little better about ourselves when we have nice hair. But having long hair can just be a pain sometimes. Especially when you want to pull it up but don’t want the crease that an elastic pony tail leaves in your hair when you take it out.

Save your hair from creasing or from being chopped off (if you know you’ll regret it a day later), with having a few scrunchies on deck! I have found the best results when swapping elastic pony tails with scrunchies. Not only are scrunchies an adorable look in your hair and come in many colors, but I also love the look of them around my wrist. I always keep one there just incase I’m having one of those days where I want to take a pair of scissors to my hair and just cut away. Elastic pony tails also give me quite a headache when I have to have my hair up for a long time, such as when I’m working as a waitress. Scrunchies are so comfortable and don’t pull on your hair! You can find scrunchies almost anywhere – whether it’s Walmart, Target, or online at different sites.

If you have any ideas or questions or want to share with me where you get your favorite scrunchies, please leave a comment in the comments section below!

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