Flood the Nations

If you are a young adult, thirsting for something more out of this life, and a way to connect with the living God, then look no further than the organization called Flood the Nations! I love the name of the organization, let alone what they stand for. The mission of Flood the Nations is to bring the living water (Christ), to a world that is thirsting for the love and passion only God can bring us. He gave us His love and life, to go out into all the nations and share it abundantly. Flood the Nations reaches youth, students and young adults through cross cultural missions, Thirsty Generation conferences, and the mission water project. Annually, teams are heading to Honduras, and they are now expanding into Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

They haven’t stopped just there though! They are also reaching the United States by the Thirsty Generation conferences, which are impacting young adults and youth with the love, grace and power of God. They believe in reaching, training and sending out the younger generation to the nations, and see them transformed through service projects, worship conferences and discipleship.

The mission trip that you will be sent out on is called the “Mission Water Project”, which is an outreach where you will be providing clean and safe water for children and families across the globe. Their missions teams build partnerships with the villages that you visit, and this will then start opening doors to health, education, and hope for the future. Did you know that unsafe water affects more people worldwide than AIDS and cancer combined? Did you know that one child every 15 seconds dies from a disease related to unclean water? That last fact in itself should call us into action, and to go flood the nations! How do they do this? One simple filter. The Hyraid BioSand Water Filter removes parasites, bacteria, and viruses from contaminated water, making it safe to drink. And the best news about this filter is that it can provide clean drinking water to a family for 10 whole years. Flood the Nations isn’t just going in for a short-term hand out. They go in, open their hearts to these people, and provide them a lasting solution for an ongoing problem, all while introducing them to the Living Water, our God.

Think you are up to the challenge?

Check out their website here! http://www.floodthenations.org/

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