Nouf Alshreif's Blog

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Technology Narrative


When I was in elementary school, I hated the computer class because the teacher was focused on making us fast. I hated that I COULD NOT finish any of her tasks on time. I am not saying that I was SLOW, but she is kind of marginalizing students who were not able to deliver quickly. I would describe myself as a thoughtful learner. I am COMPLICATED. I cannot absorb instructions and implement it quickly. I need time to understand why I am doing what I am asked to be doing. In some ways, technology wants you to follow it the way it is, otherwise you have to be an inventor to develop it the way that suits your expectations. We only had the BLEEP to communicate. Cell phones were invented, but physicians are still using BLEEPS because they do not want to be distracted. In this sense, you can just ignore technology.


by posted under Uncategorized | 4 Comments »    
4 Comments to

“Technology Narrative”

  1. October 4th, 2016 at 6:51 pm      Reply kbvv Says:

    So, compared with your childhood, your computer literacies and skills have developed a lot! 🙂

  2. October 4th, 2016 at 6:52 pm      Reply Dr. Gian S. Pagnucci Says:

    The issue of the pace of technology is always an important one. Technology seems made to move fast. And we are always wanting it to go faster. But that does mean it is hard to keep up with technology in many ways. Technology tries to set the pace, or at least its inventors do, whether or not we want to follow that pace.

  3. October 4th, 2016 at 6:52 pm      Reply Sukanto Roy Says:

    Hi Nouf,
    Now you are a computer expert. How nice this is!


  4. October 4th, 2016 at 6:59 pm      Reply Mohamed Yacoub Says:

    Dear Nouf,
    I see why you hated the computer class when you were in high school. I am not different. It is our job now to re-establish new ways of encapsulating technology literacy in our school systems.

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