Literacy Pedagogy

How should literacy pedagogy respond to today’s technological world and to today’s digital learners?

I believe literacy pedagogy should draw upon the acquired literacy of the learners. This means that learners have, through their home environments, been participating in literacy practices that have shaped how they make meaning of text and communicate meaning through texts. As times change and where there are cultural and generational differences, there is bound to be a divide between educators and learners in their literacy practices, which may lead to an in-congruence in what even should be considered literacy pedagogy. If this is the case, there needs to an openness on the part of anyone claiming to be a literacy pedagogue to learning new literacies for participation in a changing world, and for greater attunement to student needs.

What should be 3 key goals for literacy education in a digital age?

  • To help students become participators in a variety of literacy practices.
  • To enable students to communicate within diverse literacy groups.
  • To afford positive, critical engagement with digital and analog technologies.

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