Learning how Irving Berlin Persevered to Work in Music, Lead Me to this Post Encouraging all to do work they love!

Hi everyone!

Always having a love for music in discussing this first part of this blog post, one of the chapter’s read in Music History class pertaining to Irving Berlin, I found it interesting how the one chapter described his song writing and song creation process (and his love for doing this). It had mentioned that he was first known mainly as a lyricist and then later more so as one who also created the music too and not just the lyrics. That is the same for any process when one takes something they love doing (in his case songwriting, music creation) and then pursues one’s passions and learns more throughout the process.  It sounds like an obvious thing, but it’s the courage to do what one loves FIRST (the desire in the heart) and then one learns more as they go. That can be encouragement for anyone wanting to be a musician, writer, artist, teacher etc.

I found some things aside from the actual song writing process and song creation in terms of the music interesting where in the “Pop, Rock, Soul Reader” it mentioned something about his best ideas (and many songs) being written between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Interesting to me because for the past 10 years, working in TV/FILM as talent/production and a writer, as well as a strategic consultant, THIS is when some of the best writing is done; and I know many other creative/ambitious types that DO also create some of their best writing content/idea development at these  hours too perhaps when there is less distraction from day to day life. It’s in line with the fact that many who do work they love, follow their dreams and attain them, have this quality that I know all to well, the one of perseverance and immense drive, and where a 9-5 work day simply just does not apply. So the aforementioned is just an interesting observation!! It seems to fit with the determination Irving had to do work he loved, create actual songs and music and perform them.

I truly believe all of us have innate talents/abilities/desires in our heart in terms of work we love and want to do and I too believe this first reveals itself as a young child. The whole, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” asked to 5 year old children, well I think the child we all once were, and the child (authentic self) I like to call it within all of us always KNOWS this and, meaning this authenticity (knowing as a kid who we are, “what we may want to be when we grow up”) it should be honored. I do believe true gifts and talents reveal themselves at a young age, as well as ideals for life for the good and that should be honored through adult hood. Too many lose sight of this thinking it’s not practical, but it’s more than practical to me, it’s necessary to use one’s abilities for good and do work we love.  A clients dad told him at a young age, “take money out of the equation, figure out what do you really WANT to do, and pursue that”…well that client (I worked with him as his publicist) is now the stunt double on a major Netflix show, and as a child and adult pursued martial arts and athletics and he made a career out of it. Back to the readings in class on Irving Berlin in terms of his song writing love, and music creation made me think of this; and as an immigrant struggling to survive and make ends meet, as it can pertain to many,  it takes courage to follow one’s dreams and stay authentic. Pursuing one’s passions/abilities to be used for good regardless is important, and it definitely was shown in his case in terms of just moving to this country and not having much to make end’s meet, yet still writing songs and pursuing a career in music.

On a final note about this, about the authentic self, pursuing work one loves (his case song writing, music creating etc) I saw it clearly in him as I know many who can relate, myself being one of them. I was 5/6 years old putting on performances for the neighborhood and my friends and our families; we sang, we danced,  performed skits I would write (get a bit of help writing at that point, just happy kid skits), and we played the piano etcetc and I encouraged everyone to be involved. I just moved back from Los Angeles last year, have and do work in TV/FILM (talent…did a national travel show, etcetc and production) and work as a published writer/publicist. I am back to finish my degree by summer as I didn’t before, AND to launch my “Peace, Love, Unity Dance Troupe Web Series” (already on imdb.com in pre-production) which to me is the grown up person (me) honoring that 5 year old kid that was putting on much smaller scale performances and getting my friends involved but now as the adult who has worked very hard, learning much, and putting in many 15 hour days that didn’t feel long at all as I have been pursuing work I love. And that is why I have worked and work in TV/FILM I love it, as a writer, etc etc. Using one’s abilities takes A LOT of work, belief in oneself and a lot of yes courage. And it’s worth it. I think a big part of this blog entry is that I noticed that way back when Irving Berlin as an immigrant pursued his love of song writing/song creation and that is honorable to follow one’s dreams. I think knowing first hand, it is very important to remember what one really wants to do in life (going back to everyone’s 5 year old self) and do work good for you (your hearts good desires) and others… honoring that as an adult. It is the most important thing we can do aside from being love based and kind to all and it is being love based and kind to honor one’s talents and abilities “as a grown up” and use them for good for oneself and encouraging others too. I’ve always been an animal advocate too and yes that started at 5 years old too! Maybe younger!

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