Adjusting To Being Independent

There are going to be a lot of changes to come in regards to your current lifestyle and daily routine. Back in the day so to speak, you most likely did the same thing every day of the week.  In college, classes alone change your schedule every single day.  You could have five classes one day and no classes the next.  You could have a laundry list of things to do and it is up to you to remember what to get accomplished and when to accomplish it.  Your parents are no longer there to remind you to do get up and go to school or to get enough sleep before practices.


Remembering all of the new responsibilities you have and staying on top of your work can play a big part in your adjustment to becoming independent.  If doing these things comes easy to you then you will be just fine during this transition.  Having the motivation to keep up with all of your responsibilities shows in everything you do and can only help you further your career path.


Depending on how you organize your schedule you can allow for breaks in between classes or have a lump sum of free time before or after class.  Now that you are becoming independent you are the one deciding what you will do with your free time; and the right choice is not always the easiest.

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