Textual Analysis with Voyant and Google Ngram Episode 2 (11.16.17)

Published on: Author: wkkw


In this IUP CTE Episode, Dr. Kenneth Sherwood (English) joins our podcast host Brandon Galm (English) to discuss text analysis tools that can be used to support student research and writing processes across disciplines. Sherwood focuses on two pieces of online technology that teachers can use in their classes, Voyant and Google Ngram. Practical examples from Sherwood include: A Women’s Studies student might pose a question about gender politics by looking at the historical trends in the appearance of certain words across the google books database. A writing student might use Voyant to note patterns, repetitions, variety of vocabulary, in his or her own writing. A history student might upload a group of slave narratives or a batch of legal briefs and use Voyant to discover predominant words that might lead to further exploration of under-noted topics.

Here are some of the resources mentioned in the discussion:

  1. IUP Center for Digital Humanities and Culture www.iupdhc.org
  2. https://books.google.com/ngrams 
  3. www.voyant-tools.org
  4. Voyant visualization with a dataset (Clinton Sanders debate):
Written by Marie Webb