Social Media in the Classroom Episode 3 (1.30.18)

Published on: Author: wkkw


IUP Social Media SWOT Team 2018



In this IUP CTE Podcast Episode, the Social Media SWOT team comprised of four IUP faculty across disciplines share their experiences using different social media platforms in their classrooms. Dr. Pao Ying Hsiao, Food and Nutrition, Dr. Christian Vaccaro, Sociology, Dr. Crystal Machado, Professional Studies in Education, and Dr. Christine Baker, History participated in the discussion along with our podcast host Brandon Galm (English).

Happy listening! You will learn about some of the research behind use of social media in education, integrating social media into your pedagogy, and some of the university policies for faculty and students regarding social media.

To see a recording of the SWOT team’s IUP Reflective Practice Presentation/PPT and other resources related to this episode see the links below:

  1. IUP SWOT Team Reflective Practice Presentation/PPT
  2. Social Media Update 2016:
  3. Partnership for 21st Century Learning (rainbow diagram):
  4. Bedley (2017) Spotting Fake News:

Written by Marie Webb