Throughout my internship, I’ve worked on and completed a total of 5 projects for the CMPR. The process and the amount of work needed have been different for each one. I’ve had a hand in the majority of the editing process for the videos and involvement in all of the filming processes for the videos. Each video demonstrates my ability to create videos from the beginning of the pre-production process, all the way to the end to the post-production process.



The Impact awards

The impact award is given to IUP alumni for their outstanding achievements in their profession, their engagement with IUP, and/or their leadership in their discipline or community. I helped edit a series of short videos for the winners of the Impact Award answering questions regarding their award during June. There were seven winners and six questions per winner so in total there were 42 individual videos created. I completed 3 award winners while helping out my fellow interns while they edit their winners. Dr. Fratangeli said he liked how they were put together.

Meet the Chefs

In the spring, we traveled to the IUP Culinary Academy to film 9 chefs discuss their professional careers and personal lives. In June, I and the other interns started the editing process. I completed three chefs on my own while assisting and teaching the other interns how to edit while creating the videos. Over the course of June and July, I had to go back and make adjustments according to the client’s preferences. This video demonstrates my ability to edit still images in a lively and interesting way. Dr. Fratangeli said he was happy with the final updated version but still awaits a word from the client.

The Arc of Indiana County

I took part in the writing, filming, and editing process for a promotional video for the  Arc of Indiana County. Over the course of June and July, we were at three Arc events and we shot some b-roll for each event.  This video showcases their services and their mission to the county. I shot this video on Sony a7s and used a glide cam to get the shots. This video demonstrates my ability to shoot sporadically and use a glide cam successfully. It also demonstrates my ability to make motion graphics with editing. Dr. Fratanglei says happy with the video. 

The Labyrinth Center

In July, the crew and I film shot some footage for the Labyrinth center. I used a combination of a glide cam and tripod to film the shots. I also shot this video on a Sony a7s. We filmed it over the course of a few hours. This video demonstrates my ability to utilize the equipment I have to create interesting, moving shots. Dr. Fratangeli said the video is good. 

MARCOM Communications Department

In July, Marcom tasked us to create a video showcasing the communications department for incoming freshmen. I and the other interns wrote the script and shot list for the videos. I filmed it on a Sony a7s and used a combination of glide cam and tripod. I also edited it from start to finish using Premiere Pro. Dr. Fratangeli liked it a lot.