Case Study


Radio station- David and Friends daily show

Newspaper office- daily paper “The Kittanning Paper” /printing services
TV station- Talk of the Town and Family Life Sunday Night weekly shows

$10 for 15 words for a newspaper ad

Commercials aired on radio station provide sponsorship and marketing as well as distributing the newspaper to local businesses and the website. Also hosts 2 yearly auctions that do great for the marketing.

Ann Dranzik- finance specialist for the newspaper, answers phones, works on money aspect of paper and auctions, helps with printing services.

Ann is married and has a grown son. She is expecting a grandchild later this year. She loves the Grinch character.

Marci Creel- volunteer who answers phones and does any leftover jobs for any part of the organisation, interviews interns and schedules them, works at the radio tower

Marci has been with the organisation as a volunteer for 10 years. She originally started to answer phones for the Sunday night show, but quickly became one of the main team members in the summertime. She works as a guidance counselor for a high school during the rest of the year.

David Croyle- boss that runs the organisation, hosts the weekly TV shows and the daily radio show. Supervises what goes into the newspaper, works at the radio tower

David has 2 grown children and one grandson. He started working at the organisation at a young age before it was the business everyone knows it as today. He cofounded parts of the organisation once he became the owner of it. He lives near the station.

Image result for family life tv kittanning pa


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