I will try to look for media centered jobs in this area or wherever I decide to live in the future. I will look in the newspaper and online for jobs that sound like things I want to do. I like sales related things, I liked helping with the auction, and I want to have more experience with TV and radio stations.
I will keep in touch with the internship organisation and I may try to talk to schools in my area including my previous ones because I always wanted to volunteer in one and they may have some ideas of something career related that I would be interested in that I could do.
Newspaper office- daily paper “The Kittanning Paper” /printing services
TV station- Talk of the Town and Family Life Sunday Night weekly shows
$10 for 15 words for a newspaper ad
Commercials aired on radio station provide sponsorship and marketing as well as distributing the newspaper to local businesses and the website. Also hosts 2 yearly auctions that do great for the marketing.
Ann Dranzik- finance specialist for the newspaper, answers phones, works on money aspect of paper and auctions, helps with printing services.
Ann is married and has a grown son. She is expecting a grandchild later this year. She loves the Grinch character.
Marci Creel- volunteer who answers phones and does any leftover jobs for any part of the organisation, interviews interns and schedules them, works at the radio tower
Marci has been with the organisation as a volunteer for 10 years. She originally started to answer phones for the Sunday night show, but quickly became one of the main team members in the summertime. She works as a guidance counselor for a high school during the rest of the year.
David Croyle- boss that runs the organisation, hosts the weekly TV shows and the daily radio show. Supervises what goes into the newspaper, works at the radio tower
David has 2 grown children and one grandson. He started working at the organisation at a young age before it was the business everyone knows it as today. He cofounded parts of the organisation once he became the owner of it. He lives near the station.
In the internship, I wanted to get the chance to be a part of the different media fields, and I thought this would be a great place to do so, because they have a TV station, a radio station, and a newspaper there. I did get to experience more things than I probably would have otherwise, like typing for a community newspaper (not just a school one) and taking pictures for that newspaper, as well as setting up and answering phones for a TV auction and answering phones for their weekly Sunday night show.
However, a lot of the TV and radio station work I didn’t really get to be a part of, which is unfortunate, because those ones are things I may end up wanting to do and that would have been interesting to me to learn how to do. I mostly did things for the newspaper side of it, which isn’t necessarily where I am looking to have a career in the future. Most of the other interns felt the same way, so I am not the only one with this observation.
The way I would meet these objectives in the future would be to possibly work for an organisation that doesn’t rely so much on writing and newspaper things and focuses on radio or TV stations, in which I could learn more things in pertaining to those areas.
What I learnt about myself and my career plans thru the internship is that I went further in figuring out and exploring what specific parts of a media career I was interested in. I got to experience different sides of media careers firsthand and see what I liked and what I didn’t to help me determine what specific kind of media career I would want to pursue in the future.
I grew professionally from the internship because I now know how to do work related things that I previously didn’t know how to do or didn’t have much experience doing. Some examples would be answering phones for a TV show, typing for a community paper, doing the newspaper walk route by myself, and just the whole idea of being independent and on my own for some things outside the station which I didn’t really get much of a chance earlier to do.
I grew personally from the internship because talking to the other interns and the adults working there improved my social skills and professional conversation skills, both with peers and older adults. I was the only girl intern and I never talked all that much to boys before as far as doing things with them on a regular basis so this was a learning experience for that as well. I also got to learn how to interact with workers of other businesses when we were sent somewhere to perform duties for the organisation. You learn how to be polite with other ones and how to talk to most people.
I would want a job similar to the internship, but not completely similar. I enjoyed most of the aspects of it, such as going out to businesses and answering phones, and I loved working at and for the auction. However, as I said earlier, I want to work for one that doesn’t put so much emphasis on newspaper work and writing to give me a chance to have more experiences with TV or radio stations because that is something I would really like to learn how to do.
Monday 14 May
First day. Went to West Hills Intermediate School’s Career Fair. Took pictures of teacher interacting with the younger ones. Met other interns~ Kyle, Ike, Johnathan, Nick, and Grant. Had lunch in the school library. Helped load and unload truck with equipment needed for the career fair.
Tuesday 15 May
Stayed at station. Saw Tuesday night show for the first time. Talked about upcoming projects. Had impromptu trip to tower because of false alarm warning call. Learnt the parts of cameras used and how to work them. Got to keep monkey windup toy souvenir.
Wednesday 16 May
Stayed at station. Helped with different tasks there.
Sunday 20 May
Stayed at station. Found cd for teacher. Watched previous taped performance in chapel to prepare for upcoming performance taping the next day. Saw Sunday night show for the first time.
Monday 21 May
Stayed at station. Ran one of the cameras for filming singing and piano duo in the chapel. Typed “remember when” features to be featured in the paper.
Tuesday 22 May
Stayed at station. Observed Tuesday night show again.
Wednesday 23 May
Addressed envelopes for teacher. Went to Little League baseball game. Requested Kylie Minogue songs to be played before the game started. Took pictures at the game. Helped load and unload truck with equipment needed for the game. Got one of the pictures I took published in their newspaper. Helped set up and tear down equipment at the baseball field before and after the game.
Monday 28 May
Memorial Day. Took pictures at parade and at following park event. Helped set up for parade and park events. Taped wires to sidewalk to get them out of the way for parade goers. Went to lunch with everyone after day’s events.
Wednesday 30 May
Went to Worthington Civics Centre for baseball game. Took pictures at game. Helped load and unload truck with equipment needed for the game. Helped set up and tear down equipment at the Worthington civics centre before and after the game
Tuesday 5 June
Stayed at station. Helped with Microsoft excel proof of ad spreadsheets. Found businesses to sponsor fall football games. Transcribed parts of Tuesday night show.
Wednesday 6 June
Learnt how to record a radio ad and crop spaces between sentences in the ad. Went to Worthington Civics Centre for next baseball game. Took pictures at game. Helped load and unload truck with equipment needed for the game. Helped set up and tear down equipment at the Worthington civics centre before and after the game.
Sunday 10 June
Stayed at station. Helped set up for Sunday night show. Requested a prayer for my grandfather to be announced on the show.
Monday 11 June
Went to the tower to observe what needs to be done for the upcoming launch party on 11 August.
Thursday 21 June
Learnt how to get newspaper ready for distribution. Counted the copies and put them where they needed to go and ran them thru the folding machine. Learnt how to put new paper in the printer. Typed “remember when” features for the paper. Continued working on Excel spreadsheet of talent release forms.
Friday 22 June
Had field trip to Canton Ohio to see religious station there. Got to be on camera for a minute during the show. Helped load truck to and from the station. Stopped for breakfast and lunch with everyone.
Sunday 24 June
Worked on talent releases and historical headlines. Stayed at station. Answered phones for the first time during Sunday night show.
Monday 25 June
Helped distribute newspaper. Worked on historical headlines. Finished talent releases. Started auction items excel spreadsheet. Stayed at station.
Tuesday 26 June
Helped distribute newspaper. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction items excel spreadsheet. Stayed at station.
Thursday 28 June
Helped distribute newspaper. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction items excel spreadsheet and numbered the items. Went to different businesses with Marci to pick up gift certificates or leave forms for the upcoming auction.
Saturday 30 June
Stayed at station. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction item spreadsheet. Wrote item descriptions for some of them. Addressed envelopes for new radio station donations and mailed them.
Sunday July one
Stayed at station. Helped set up for show. Answered phones during show.
Monday 2 July
Stayed at station. Helped distribute paper. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction item spreadsheet. Wrote item descriptions for some of them. Addressed envelopes for new radio station donations and mailed them.
Tuesday 3 July
Stayed at station. Helped distribute paper. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction item spreadsheet. Wrote item descriptions for some of them. Addressed envelopes for new radio station donations and mailed them.
Thursday 5 July
Helped distribute paper. Worked on historical headlines. Continued auction item spreadsheet. Wrote item descriptions for some of them. Addressed envelopes for new radio station donations and mailed them. Went to businesses to try to get things for auction. Tripped and fell on the sidewalk.
Friday 6 July
Went to tower to watch tower climber. Dug around stones and garden area.
Sunday 8 July
Stayed at station. Answered phones for Sunday night show Got ready for auction.
Monday 9 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Got ready for auction. Folded Elk club newsletters. Put stamps on postcards to be mailed to people for upcoming station launch party. Typed addresses for the invitations and mailed them.
Tuesday 10 July
Prepared for auction. Answered phones during auction.
Wednesday 11 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Wanted to go on bus with other interns but didn’t get the chance to.
Thursday 12 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Was allowed to leave early.
Friday 13 July
Helped with paper. Went to tower and painted stage. Went to lunch with other interns.
Sunday 15 July
Drove around with other interns for new station testing. Answered phones for Sunday night show. Watched other ones tear down camera equipment after the show. Listened to new radio station on the way home to test it for the area.
Monday 16 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Typed addresses for launch party invitations and mailed them.
Tuesday 17 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Typed addresses for launch party invitations and mailed them, including one for the governor of Pennsylvania and the president of America. Wrote down key topics from past morning radio shows.
Wednesday 18 July
Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Watched training videos with other interns. Wrote down key topics from past morning radio shows. Went to tower and vaccummed and rolled up posters.
Tuesday 24 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Made brownies with David.
Wednesday 25 July
Went to camp cadet. Typed historical headlines. Helped edit intern video.
Thursday 26 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Cleaned thru boxes of things from back room. Did paper walk route.
Friday 27 July
Stayed at station. Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Did paper walk route. Wrote out a classified ad for a customer. Cleaned thru boxes of things from back room. Vaccummed. Collected garbage.
Sunday 29 July
Stayed at station. Answered phones during Sunday night show. Helped set up and tear down before and after Sunday night show. Mailed launch party invitaitons.
Monday 30 July
Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Did paper walk route. Went to businesses to ask for football contract sponsors. Cleaned thru back room boxes.
Tuesday 31 July
Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Did paper walk route. Gave thank you cards to everyone. Cleaned thru back room boxes.
Thursday 2 August
Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Did paper walk route. Went to businesses to ask for football contract sponsors. Cleaned thru back room boxes. Went with them to a music store and Sam’s Club as well as driving thru RIDC Park. Got dropped off at my house by them.
Friday 3 August
Helped with paper. Typed historical headlines. Did paper walk route. Got rest of back room boxes together. Recorded a commercial with David.