Applying for Jobs in your Career Field

Relating to what we talked about last time, let’s talk about applying for jobs. It can be hard to know what to look for and where to find opportunities.

I like to use websites like Indeed and Glassdoor to find available jobs. Facebook also has a jobs section now that is very easy to use. When using sites like this, make sure to set the radius to an area you are willing to drive. I usually set mine to what will be a 45 minute or less commute time.

Make sure you read the entire job description to ensure it is something you want to apply for. Also look to see if they mention the pay rate and if it will be acceptable for you. I also like to check if they include benefits. If an ad is not professionally written, I skip right over it.

Before applying, make sure your resume fits within the guidelines from my last blog. You want to ensure you make a great first impression.

Apply to as many jobs as you can find that would work for you. The more you apply to, the better chance you’ll find something quickly.

Hope you guys learned something today! Share this link and stay tuned for another post tomorrow!

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