
Fine Arts Event! Place: Annex Gallery, First Floor Sprowls Hall Artist Talk: 6 PM Date: October 30th

Into the Streets

The Honors College Executive Board will be participating in Into the Streets this Saturday, October 20th and is looking for members of the Honors College who are interested in being a part of the team. This is a great way to earn service hours while helping us get the Honors College name out into the… Continue Reading Into the Streets

IUP Pink Out Football Game

Volunteers are needed for the annual IUP Pink Out Football Game on October 27th. We need volunteers starting at 10:45 AM all the way through the end of the game. Volunteers can help as much or as little as they want. If you have any questions, contact


In association with the SEEDS Club, there will be a county-cleanup scheduled for this upcoming Sunday, October 21st.  They will meet outside of Pratt Hall at 11 AM, and walk around picking up trash; bags and gloves will be provided.  This will count as service hours!  If you have any questions, contact Tyler Menichiello at


Artrageous Flyer RFS (1)-1q8zs2u This Sunday.  Fine Arts Event!  Free!  11:30 am – 12:30 pm

CHC Internship Panel

If you have done an internship and what to share your experiences with freshmen at tomorrow’s Wednesday Workshop from 11:15 – 12:05 in the Great Hall, contact Kevin at