IUP Spring Career Fair, Volunteers Needed

**Volunteers needed!** IUP Spring Career Fair on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 in the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex. Volunteers are needed anywhere from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., and they’ve had students work for one hour up to three or four – whatever fits their schedule. Volunteers help place employer information flyers on the booths,… Continue Reading IUP Spring Career Fair, Volunteers Needed

Spring Career Fair

Attend the Spring Career Fair on Wednesday, February 28, 2018! The event runs from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex and currently includes 88 employers registered to attend. Business attire or business casual is encouraged, although not required, but they ask that attendees be clean and neat. Students can… Continue Reading Spring Career Fair


Art+Feminism is a campaign improving coverage of cis and transgender women, feminism and the arts on Wikipedia. From coffee shops and community centers to the largest museums and universities in the world, Art+Feminism is a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others campaign teaching people of all gender identities and expressions to edit Wikipedia. Join IUP for the 2nd… Continue Reading Art+Feminism

Achievement Fund Proposals Now Being Accepted for Summer/Fall 2018

If you are interested in applying for financial support for study or service abroad, an internship, or any other academic enrichment for the Summer or Fall of 2018, now is the time to begin putting stuff together. If you are unsure about something that interests you or just need help with elements of the application… Continue Reading Achievement Fund Proposals Now Being Accepted for Summer/Fall 2018

The Washington Center

A representative from The Washington Center will be on campus for an information session in the HUB Monongahela Room on Monday, February 12.from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. All students are awarded a tuition and fees waiver for a TWC internship.  Additionally, PA residents will receive a $7500 scholarship to help defray the costs of attending… Continue Reading The Washington Center

Habitat for Humanity

Do you love to help out in the community, or need service hours? Then support Habitat for Humanity THIS Saturday at their build event. They have two separate builds (8am-12pm, and 8am-2pm) you can choose from. No experience is needed, and rides will be provided! If you are interested in attending, signup via the link below. For… Continue Reading Habitat for Humanity

The Washington Center visits IUP!

A representative from The Washington Center will be on campus for an information session in the HUB Monongahela Room on Monday, February 12 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. All IUP students are awarded a tuition and fees waiver for a TWC internship.  Additionally, PA residents will receive a $7500 scholarship to help defray the costs… Continue Reading The Washington Center visits IUP!

Free Hugs Project

According to his official biography, “Ken E. Nwadike, Jr. is a peace activist, video journalist, and YouTube personality best known as the Free Hugs Guy online. Nwadike is the founder of the Free Hugs Project, which produces motivational videos to spread love, inspire change, and raise awareness of social issues. His ‘Free Hugs’ videos have… Continue Reading Free Hugs Project