CHC Priority Registration for Spring 2021

Honors College priority scheduling is set for OCTCOBER 13th, 2020 Honors College students are among those with priority registration privileges and should receive a scheduling time beginning on Tuesday, October 13th.  If you do not receive a scheduling time close to the 13th, contact Lisa Halmes at CHC students should schedule a meeting… Continue Reading CHC Priority Registration for Spring 2021

Art School Confidential

9/25/18 – 6 PM – McVitty Auditorium Film Showing – Art School Confidential Fine Arts Event Jerome (Max Minghella), a freshman at a prestigious art school, dreams of making it big, but his arrogance and affectations hamper his chances. Jealous of a clueless jock, he hatches a plan to make a splash in the art… Continue Reading Art School Confidential

Why Vote?

Attend the Six O’Clock Series about why voting is important — it’s on Monday, September 24th! Dr. Aleea Perry from Political Science will be talking about how voting can affect the lives of college students. Honors college professors will be talking a bit about voting rights and how we have fought for the right to… Continue Reading Why Vote?

Career Expo and Graduate School Fair: Volunteers Needed

Jan Shellenbarger is asking for assistance during next week’s Career Expo and Graduate School Fair on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at the Kovalchick Complex. Assistance is needed with employers, beginning at 8 a.m. until 10 a.m., and again from 1:30-2:30 at end of day. Students are needed to help bring in supplies that the employers… Continue Reading Career Expo and Graduate School Fair: Volunteers Needed

Seeking Participants to Interview for Honors Thesis Research Project

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel Wasilko and I am seeking participants to interview for my honors thesis research project. The study is about understanding well-being among college women, specifically in the Honors College. The interviews will be semi-structured, meaning it will be more like a question guided conversation. Questions will first ask about your… Continue Reading Seeking Participants to Interview for Honors Thesis Research Project

Informational Session for the Camino

Another version of the Camino is coming up for Dr. Finegan and for 16 lucky IUP students in Summer 2019.   He is having an informational session for interested pilgrims TONIGHT, Wednesday, September 19th, at 7:30pm in the Great Hall. If you are interested and can make it, that would be great!

Study-Abroad Class in Spain

Next summer (2019) Dr.Finegan will teach a faculty-led study-abroad class in Spain. This is an incredible experience, and he always look forward to having Honors College students join him on this journey. This will be the seventh time he has taught this course.   In short, 14 IUP students and him will complete a walking… Continue Reading Study-Abroad Class in Spain