Social Service Hour Giveaway for Reading the Whit Weekly

Two community service hours will be given to the first person who posts a comment on this.  The second and third person to post will receive one community service hour each.  Be sure to subscribe to the Whit Weekly RSS feed to be aware of future service hour giveaways. Thanks to those who responded to… Continue Reading Social Service Hour Giveaway for Reading the Whit Weekly

Global Impact Corps: A Comprehensive and Unrivaled Global Health Experience

We have had students do this.  If you are interested, I can put you in touch with an alum who had a really positive experience. Kevin Unite For Sight’s Global Impact Corps is an immersive global health experience for students and for professionals.  All volunteers participating in Unite For Sight’s international programs are… Continue Reading Global Impact Corps: A Comprehensive and Unrivaled Global Health Experience

Global Health Idea Incubator Workshop on October 15 Do you have an idea for a program, project, or organization? Unite For Sight’s Founder and CEO will hold a 1/2-day workshop to help you develop and launch your idea. The workshop will focus on effective healthcare delivery and the importance of best practices in global health, successful strategies of social innovation and social… Continue Reading Global Health Idea Incubator Workshop on October 15

HC Service Hour Submission Form Now Online

The new community service hour online submission form is now available on the Honors College website.   You’ll find service opportunities, guidelines for service and the new submission form at: Rather than submitting your service hours at the end of each semester, we would like to process them on a monthly basis.  This will facilitate… Continue Reading HC Service Hour Submission Form Now Online

Newman Center Book Sale

The 42nd Annual Newman Used Book Sale sponsored by St. Thomas More University Parish & Catholic Student Center will be held this year the third weekend of September.  Below are listed the areas where your students can help — note we are stressing the need for assistance with set up on September 12, parking throughout the… Continue Reading Newman Center Book Sale

Evergreen Boys and Girls Club

There are always opportunities available with programming– working with our members at one of the five school-based sites.  You can visit us at to learn more. Also, we are looking for volunteers to help with Day of Play, Saturday October 16th.  The event is held at S&T Arena.  EBGC will work at the “Wii Play Area”,… Continue Reading Evergreen Boys and Girls Club

Share your Honors College experience!

Social service hours are awarded for your participation in these activities. The Honors College is looking for students who want to share their Honors College story, college search tips and spread the word about the Honors College.  Three opportunities exist for your involvement: