Ushers Needed for Lively Arts Series – Service Opportunity for HC Students

The Lively Arts is hoping to increase our list of ushers this year for the Ovations! performances by touring artists (12 shows this season).  Ushering is a volunteer activity, but a terrific way for students to earn Community Service hours, add to their resume, and see all of the shows for free! We run a… Continue Reading Ushers Needed for Lively Arts Series – Service Opportunity for HC Students

Next Wednesday Workshop: CHC Community Service Program

Community Service: September 7 How does community service differ from volunteerism, club involvement, performance, or activities? Why is sustained, meaningful community service an important aspect of my college experience? What resources exist that can aid me in my search for sustained, meaningful service? What’s an REU? Kevin will walk you through the Cook Honors College… Continue Reading Next Wednesday Workshop: CHC Community Service Program

Summer Community Service Clarification

Though the annual cycle of community service during the school year begins in September and runs though May, upperclassmen may still submit up to 30 hours of summer service towards the next school year’s requirement.  Remember that summer service requires pre-approval and a signed letter or email from a service supervisor to verify upon completion.… Continue Reading Summer Community Service Clarification

Newman Used Book Sale – Many Ways to Volunteer

Newman Used Book Sale St. Thomas More University Parish & Catholic Student Center 1200 Oakland Avenue Indiana, PA 15701 724-463-2277 The Newman Center is looking for volunteers to help with their annual book sale.  Take a look at the following volunteer options and let them know how you can help.

Volunteer with Conversation Club

Conversation Club matches international students and American students in an effort to promote global awareness, foster multicultural interaction, celebrate diversity, and, of course, create lasting friendships. Over the years, thousands of IUP students have been paired with international students as Conversation Club partners, and many participants have formed life-long friendships. Conversation Club partners meet independently… Continue Reading Volunteer with Conversation Club

Volunteers Needed for Newman Center Book Sale

Hello, everyone!!! I hope you all have been having an enjoyable summer. 🙂  It’s not over yet!  However, as the temperatures cool and our minds start thinking of school again, it’s time to gear up for St. Thomas More’s annual book sale.  I am amazed at the generosity of the community in donating books to… Continue Reading Volunteers Needed for Newman Center Book Sale

American Language Institute’s ACE Tutoring for Service or Work Study

The American Language Institute is recruiting members of the IUP community to work with our international students. Through the ACE Tutoring program, ALI students have the opportunity to improve their English language skills by meeting with tutors. Becoming an ACE tutor is an excellent way to meet interesting people from other cultures, develop teaching skills,… Continue Reading American Language Institute’s ACE Tutoring for Service or Work Study

Hawk Rock

Join us for IUP’s first 24-hour dance-a-thon beginning tonight at 9 p.m. until 9 p.m. tomorrow in the main arena of the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex!  The admission fee for dancers is $20, and includes a Hawk Rock t-shirt, as well as 24 hours of food and drink!  If you can’t stay for the… Continue Reading Hawk Rock

Global Impact Corps: Global Health Volunteer Abroad Opportunity Join Unite For Sight’s Global Impact Corps for a hands-on, immersive global health experience.  A transformative volunteer abroad experience for students and professionals, Unite For Sight is renowned as the highest quality global health immersion and volunteer abroad program worldwide. Unite For Sight prides itself on offering the best global health experience for our… Continue Reading Global Impact Corps: Global Health Volunteer Abroad Opportunity

IUP/Indiana Community Involvement Fair

The IUP Community Involvement Fair will be held on Wednesday February 8th from 11am-3pm in the Crimson Event Center.  This is a great way for you to meet with local nonprofit agencies and find out about volunteer opportunities.  The Honors College will offer one service hour to any student who submits a voucher for attending… Continue Reading IUP/Indiana Community Involvement Fair

Ushers Needed for Lively Arts, Ovations!

Ovations! is the new touring performing arts series that will be bringing shows from all around the world to IUP this year. All shows are reserved seating, therefore ushers are needed to ensure patrons are directed to the proper seats. Ushers are also used in other ways to assist patrons and make sure each show… Continue Reading Ushers Needed for Lively Arts, Ovations!