The Human Rights Situation of Haitians in the Dominican Republic

A lecture by Mr. Ricardo Campusano, attorney and human rights activist from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:30-7:45 p.m. Johnson Hall, Room 247 Free and open to the public. Attendance vouchers will be provided.   This event is co-sponsored by the Pan-African Studies Program, the Latin American Studies Program, and the African… Continue Reading The Human Rights Situation of Haitians in the Dominican Republic


We are pleased to announce that the annual IUP MAJORS FAIR will be held this Thursday, October 11th from 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m. in the Crimson Event Center located in Folger Hall.  Verification of attendance can be provided for students.   The Majors Fair is ideal for students wanting a “one stop” to explore majors, double majors, and… Continue Reading IUP MAJORS FAIR

HOMECOMING Alumni Workshops and Presentations

October 5-10, 2012 The Department of Theater and Dance is offering workshops and special classroom presentations by alumni who are returning to campus for Homecoming 2012.  Kyle and Jessica Payne (’03), and Phil Chavira (’06) will present on various topics of preparing for “life after IUP.”  Also, special guest Phil Keeling (’05) is performing his… Continue Reading HOMECOMING Alumni Workshops and Presentations

3rd Annual Noche Latina

Dear IUP Community, In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 1) the Hispanic Heritage Council (HHC) and Latino Student Organization (LaSO) bring you the 3rd Annual Noche Latina. Join us for an evening filled with the wonderful tastes of Latino cuisine and edutainment from your very own IUP students and faculty.  Date: Saturday, October… Continue Reading 3rd Annual Noche Latina

Free Film and Tour at Jimmy Stewart Museum

Thanks to the work of English Dept. graduate student Julia Grove and the generosity Jimmy Stewart Museum director Tim Harley, IUP’s Center for Film Studies is able to offer the following opportunity for all faculty and students this Thursday evening, Sept. 27.   The Museum is graciously waving the admission fee (though donations are very much… Continue Reading Free Film and Tour at Jimmy Stewart Museum

IUP Career Development Center Open House

On Wednesday, September 19 the IUP Career Development Center will hold our annual open house in Pratt Hall from 1:30-4:00 pm.  This event is intended to introduce the IUP community to all that the CDC offers to assist them with their career management issues, allow students, faculty and staff to meet our staff, and provide… Continue Reading IUP Career Development Center Open House

First Meeting of the Semester – Sigma Tau Delta

Hello Everyone! It is time for the first Sigma Tau Delta meeting of the semester! Our first meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the Leonard Lounge. In similar fashion, our meetings for the rest of the semester will be at the same time on Tuesdays at the same place. I… Continue Reading First Meeting of the Semester – Sigma Tau Delta

Indiana Free Library Annual Fundraiser Needs HC Volunteers!

Evening in the Stacks is the Indiana Library’s major annual fundraiser.  The event is billed as “The Best Party in Town”.  As such, we need student volunteers to help in the following ways: Thursday evening, November 1 from 5 to 7 p.m – help move library furniture & computers out of the first floor of… Continue Reading Indiana Free Library Annual Fundraiser Needs HC Volunteers!

Upperclass HC Students Needed as Department Mentors

Hello Kevin, My name is Devin, I am one of the Department Mentors (ASM) in Northern Hall. I am going to be forming a study group for the building for residents to get help with their classes. I would like to have Mentors and Tutors present to help the residents with their classes. Could you… Continue Reading Upperclass HC Students Needed as Department Mentors