Newman Used Book Sale

Community Service Opportunity for the Newman Used Book Sale – You will only need Catholic Church clearances if you wish to be a cashier or parking assistant at the sale. The final book sort, set up, organizing books during the week, and tear down DO NOT require clearances (but you must be 18 years old).… Continue Reading Newman Used Book Sale

Volunteers Needed for Homecoming Late Night Party

Volunteers are needed for the Homecoming Late Night Party on Saturday, October 6th. It will be in the KCAC from 8:30 – 1:30 p.m. Volunteers will be needed from 5 p.m. – 2 a.m. (will most likely be done well before 2 a.m.). Please contact Kevin Foster at if you are interested!

Apply for Graduation!

ATTENTION SENIORS: Undergraduate students must apply online for May 2019 graduation by November 15, 2018. The online application is available by logging onto MyIUP and selecting the Academics link. Click the link below to direct you to the correct page!

Weekly Meditation Sessions

Every Thursday evening for the past eight years Dr. Finegan has led meditation sessions at a yoga studio near campus. These sessions (7 to 8pm) are free of charge, and the studio really is an amazing place to learn to meditate and to develop the ability to work more effectively with your thoughts. Sunflower Yoga… Continue Reading Weekly Meditation Sessions

Police During the Nazi Era: Why Is It Relevant to Study this today?

Fine Arts Event for HNRC 101 and HNRC 201.  Mark your calendars! Attend an unique educational program titled, Police During the Nazi Era: Why Is It Relevant to Study this today?, on October 16, 2018 beginning at 2 pm. This program will include Holocaust scholars Dr. Peter Black and Dr. Martin Dean, and Holocaust survivors Moshe Baran… Continue Reading Police During the Nazi Era: Why Is It Relevant to Study this today?

IUP’s Pre-Law Society

IUP’s Pre-Law Society Meetings every Monday at 7 p.m. Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg., Rm 219 For more information about IUP’s Pre-Law Society, please see the attached information provided by the officers of the Pre-Law Society. Questions? If you have any questions, please send contact the student president, Demir Moore,

Wednesday Workshop Series

 Each semester, the IUP Counseling Center presents workshops designed to help you take care of yourself. You can find their fall schedule attached. Please consider attending them.

The Penn: Positions Available

The Penn currently has positions available for students.  They are looking for writers, photographers and cartoonists. They are all paid positions. Students who are interested can contact Kathleen Mest at, and she will get you in touch with their editor.

Achievement Fund Applications

If you are interested in applying for financial support for study or service abroad, an internship, or any other academic enrichment for the Winter 2018, Spring of 2019, or Summer 2019 now is the time to begin putting stuff together.  If you are unsure about something that interests you or just need help with elements… Continue Reading Achievement Fund Applications