On Saturday, April 8th Indiana University of Pennsylvania will host the 5th Pittsburgh Asia Consortium (PAC) Undergraduate Student Research Conference. Undergraduate students are invited to present their research on Asia, and this will be an invaluable opportunity for them to meet other students interested in Asia, hone their presentation skills, and get feedback on their… Continue Reading Pittsburgh Asia Consortium Undergraduate Student Research Conference!
Author: nfvv
New Class for Spring 2017- Theater for Social Justice!
Attention Theater Majors, Theater Minors, and anyone who has a free elective to fill! Consider taking THTR 281 in Spring 2017! The course CRN is 23263 and it will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30-1:45 pm. This course invites and welcomes students from all disciplines to engage in an interdisciplinary environment for the exploration… Continue Reading New Class for Spring 2017- Theater for Social Justice!
Rest of the Fall Semester Calendar! Check it out!
Event Day Date Pass/Fail Forms Due Monday October 10, 2016 Faculty begin entering mid-term grades, 9:00 a.m. Thursday October 13, 2016 Last day of classes for courses ending by mid-semester Monday October 17, 2016 Faculty deadline for entering mid-term grades Monday October 24, 2016 Students begin to view mid-term grades, 9:00 a.m. Tuesday October 25,… Continue Reading Rest of the Fall Semester Calendar! Check it out!
IUP’s 30th Annual Law School Fair!
Mark your calendars for IUP’s 30th Annual Law School Fair! When: Thursday, October 20, 2016 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: Sutton Hall, Blue Room Admissions officials from 15 law schools are coming to IUP to talk to students about their programs, and to answer student questions about law school. If you’re even casually considering law school,… Continue Reading IUP’s 30th Annual Law School Fair!
Teach for America Opportunity- Apply now!
Teach For America is developing a movement of leaders who will help drive change at every level of our education system toward the goal of closing the opportunity gap in America. These leaders start their paths as corps members who teach for two years in urban and rural high–need communities and help students make the academic progress that expands their opportunities.… Continue Reading Teach for America Opportunity- Apply now!
Experience Cuba!
The faculty-led Cuba study abroad program is planned for May 2017. Travel dates are May 13-25, 2017. The program is open to all IUP students who will experience homestays which allow students to interact with Cuban families. Three credits apply toward graduation and can be applied to a minor in Latin American Studies and/or Pan-African… Continue Reading Experience Cuba!
Join the IUP Quidditch Club!
We solemnly swear we are up for some fun! Harry Potter fans, come play Quidditch! Join other fans who will be playing at Mack Park this Saturday, Oct. 8th, at 2:00pm. Any questions? Please email President Emily Reed at wtrv@iup.edu. -Mischief Manged
BioBlitz- October 8, 2016!
ECO is sponsoring BioBlitz this Saturday, Oct. 8, at Crooked Creek Environmental Center. All events are free! Please see above poster for information! There will be bird netting and counting, fish counting, tree hikes and so on. Owls in the evening! Should be a good time for all ages. Events are on-going from 7:00 AM… Continue Reading BioBlitz- October 8, 2016!
IUP’s Third Annual #OwnItWeek!
OWN IT. OWN YOUR CHOICES. OWN YOUR CONSEQUENCES. OWN YOUR LIFE. Safer Sex Olympics: With Health and Wellness Promotion, held Monday, October 10 at 6:00 pm at the HUB in the Monongahela Room. Bystander Intervention: With the Haven Project, held Tuesday, October 11 at 7:30 pm at the HUB in the Susquehanna Room. IF YOU PARTY: Getting the Good and Avoiding the Not So Good:… Continue Reading IUP’s Third Annual #OwnItWeek!
Pre-Law Course Offerings for Winter 16, Spring 17 and Summer 17
In order to help you plan your course schedules for the upcoming terms, a list of pre-law courses being offered in winter 2016, spring 2017 and summer 2017 is attached. Please note a couple of updates: PHIL 221 Symbolic Logic is now approved as a PHIL pre-law class, and at least one section will be… Continue Reading Pre-Law Course Offerings for Winter 16, Spring 17 and Summer 17
Former Pittsburgh Steeler Charlie Batch Speaks on Entrepreneurship and Networking
On Monday, October 10, 2016, the Eberly College of Business and Information Technology will host a presentation featuring former Pittsburgh Steeler and two time Superbowl Champ, Charlie Batch at 5:00 p.m. in the Eberly Auditorium. Batch will speak about his post football entrepreneurial venture and the importance of networking. This is a free event; there… Continue Reading Former Pittsburgh Steeler Charlie Batch Speaks on Entrepreneurship and Networking