Law School Workshop!

How do I apply to law school?   When should I start applying?  What all do I need to apply to law school?  How many law schools should I apply to?  Which law schools should I apply to?  How much is all this going to cost?  If these questions sound familiar, then this workshop’s for you. Getting… Continue Reading Law School Workshop!

Haven Project hosts “No More Toxic Masculinity” Monday!

The Haven Project will host Masculinity Monday on NO MORE Toxic Masculinity on Monday, March 6th, 2017 beginning at 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m in the HUB Monongahela Room.  What do we say to toxic masculinity?  NO MORE!  We will be discussing how to have healthy masculinity and what the effects of toxic masculinity can… Continue Reading Haven Project hosts “No More Toxic Masculinity” Monday!

Six O’Clock Series- Issues of Diversity!

Six O’Clock Series offer students new insights, and can count as a Fine Arts Requirement! Come Monday, March 6th from 6:00 PM– 7:30 PM in the HUB Ohio Room and hear voices from the field-research on Diversity at IUP.

Undecided? Considering Adding a Major? Come to the Majors Fair!

Often times students who are “undecided” wouldn’t be if they only knew the options that were available! Additionally, Honors College students who have chosen a major, because Honors Core classes take up a lot of student’s general education course requirements, are able to add a second major or a minor. How can one know what… Continue Reading Undecided? Considering Adding a Major? Come to the Majors Fair!

Study Abroad in Cuba!

FLSAS offers foreign language and cultural immersion program in Cuba (and over forty countries)! They offer programs in the spring, summer, and fall for students and adults. You are able to set your own dates and specify what you want out of the trip! Affordable costs! Request more information if interested, contact info found below.… Continue Reading Study Abroad in Cuba!

Golden Key National Honor Society!- Discount on Study Abroads

  In today’s competitive job market, employers are looking to hire the most talented candidates. They want you to have a university degree, an array of extracurricular hobbies and, on top of that, previous professional experience. You’re getting the degree, you’re passionate about your hobbies, but how can you get that stand-out experience if no… Continue Reading Golden Key National Honor Society!- Discount on Study Abroads


Nerd Prom is happening! It is going to be on Saturday April 1st from 8-11 p.m. in the Great Hall! We are doing a Back to the Future/80’s theme because we want the overall theme to be a goodbye (for now) to Whitmyre! Tickets are $6 per person or $10 if you buy 2! More… Continue Reading NERD PROM!

CAREER FAIR! Don’t Miss Out!

IUP Spring Career Fair <> scheduled for Tuesday, 28 February 2017 in the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex from 10 AM until 2 PM, which as of today has 96 employers <> registered to attend, the highest number we’ve ever had at IUP! This fair provides an opportunity for students and alumni to explore full-time… Continue Reading CAREER FAIR! Don’t Miss Out!